Saturday, January 5, 2008

Home Alone

Not a typical Saturday for me today because I was home alone. My hubby left the house very early for the football game in Pittsburgh. I should have joined him but I was not sure if I can manage the very cold weather (0 degrees Celsius). I remember when we watched a baseball game last spring, I was freezing. It was funny because I was kind of ok the first half of the game but as the wind started to blow directly on my face, there I started chilling. Plus, we were situated on the higher seats in the stadium. You see I came from a tropical country with usual temperature of 30 degrees C. Anyway, even if I'm not a big fan of football, I did watch the game live on TV. It was a playoff and my hubby's team didn't make it. Too bad, it was not worth the five and a half hours drive.

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