Blogging has become one of my favorite hobbies when I got here in the US. Staying at home most of the time for the past months, there’s really nothing much to do. Surfing the net, checking my email, chatting with family and friends, clicking my favorite websites keep me busy. I’m glad there’s internet, I can’t imagine without it. It’s like food for me, I don’t think I can live without it. Thanks so much to my very nice friend who introduced me to blogging. Aside from building online friendship with fellow bloggers from different parts of the world, you get to earn at the same time.
I signed up for PPP ( I am sure this site is very popular in the blogging world. With PPP, you can write topics you are interested about and get paid! You just have to be honest with your opinions on a particular product or service. And the most important thing is, simply follow their code of ethics for bloggers. That’s it!
So if you want to get extra dollars just by sitting in front of your pc / laptop, get yourself into blogging and signed up for PPP just like what I did. Feel free to write the things that you love and earn money at the same time. Why wait? Sign up now!
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